Sunday, March 20, 2011

Little Munchkin

(Written in March, and I just now uploaded I never claimed to be technologically competent or a REAL blogger)

Stella is nearing two. Crazy. It seems like she was just born (I am totally going to be saying that same thing every year for the next 20 years). She is growing up so fast. I can't believe she can already tell me off and push buttons. What will the teenage years bring? She is really starting to love to play with other kids, and is getting over some clingyness. She is a chatterbox and it is getting easier to tell what she is saying. Dadda wok (work). Mama hold. No nightnight. Ah hoo (love you). She wants to call everyone on the phone. She still is rather hairless and skinny with a big head which makes her seem even smaller than she is. People are constantly amazed that she can walk--and she has been walking for almost a year! She loves playing with Ma and Grandma and sometimes likes to peepotty (pee in the potty). Here are a few pics to catch up.She may be little but she sure takes up a lot of room in bed.

Choosing her own outfits--note the pink shirt turned scarf...she is very versatile.

Playing on Grandma's piano

using the potty for the first time. her excitement was nothing compared to mine.

Please forgive the naked baby pics, but she just looks too small to be climbing on that thing. She can climb on and off and use it without any help. And people still ask if she can walk...

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