Thursday, June 24, 2010


Today Stella turned one. I marked the hours today (and the last couple of days) recounting the events of last year's June 24th as the hours passed. 3:00 am (up today with teething Stella), snatching sleep in three minute increments between contractions. I only know that I slept because Calder told later me that I was snoring. 10:00 am, sitting in a tub in Nana's basement, trying to relax between steady contractions. 11:00 am, water finally broke. finally. and we headed to the hospital. 1:00pm, started pushing. The noises I made didn't really seem like they came from me. 2:02pm Stella made her appearance to our lighted world. "oh my goodness" was all I could manage as they placed her on my belly. What a miracle that this living breathing being was now alive in the world. I loved her then, but at the time didn't have a glimpse of what it would become.
Stella was cute as a tiny baby but is more fun the older she gets. Her independent personality, her endless outfits, her curiosity and coordination, her lack of hair...she's a keeper.

Requisite first birthday cake. We love you Stella. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun to hear the hours leading up to Stella's birth! She's so cute and WALKING! Holy cow! Keep the picture coming!!!